LPC Supervision

We prepare interns to provide great treatment

Choosing Wyndhurst Counseling Center to Provide LPC Supervision:

We provide LPC Supervision from an educational perspective while using a variety of theories. We see LPC Supervision as a collaborative effort and our interns are treated as equals. We prepare interns to provide great treatment.

Development is one of the main goals of LPC Supervision. During LPC Supervision, we focus on developing your clinical techniques but more importantly we will work together to develop and discover your authentic self as a counselor.

A Message about LPC and LMFT Superfvision

We provide individual and group supervision for folks in pursuit of licensure. We can do it in person or electronically. You choose…

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A Message from Chuck Rodgers
Licensed Professional Counselor, LMFT


We are dedicated to providing interns with real-world counseling advice. In addition to treatment of clients, we also provide insightful LPC Supervision on topics such as dealing with subpoenas, possible ethical & legal issues that arise in, issues to consider when practicing in inpatient settings, private practice, and non-profits, how to do a thorough initial evaluation, how to give a diagnosis and cautions that are associated with certain diagnoses. LPC Supervision provides practical input regarding how to become an insurance provider, how to fill out insurance paperwork, and how to network and advertise yourself as a counselor.

We have LPC Supervision provided by professionals who are approved by the Virginia Board of Counseling to provide LPC Supervision to LPC applicants. LPC applicants must secure an intern site.

As clinicians, who provide LPC Supervision, we use a collaborative, strengths-based approach, which we also use and promote in LPC Supervision. The work we do together will be an exploration and development of your own individual therapeutic “style.” If you believe we could be a good fit, the first step would be for us to schedule a face-to-face meeting. We do not charge for this meeting.

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Cost for LPC Supervision:

Please see our “Rates” page for cost of individual supervision and for cost of group supervision.

Location for LPC Supervision:

All LPC Supervision takes place at our center or virtually.

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In LPC Supervision We Look for Supervisees Who:

  • Have an ethical and moral foundation
  • Accept responsibility
  • Have Desire growth
  • Are willing to commit to at least 6 months of supervision
  • Do not want to just settle for an easy supervisor who just signs off on their hours, but are dedicated to being the best counselor that they can be and are willing to be challenged in order to become the best
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The LPC Supervision Covers:

  • Individual, weekly supervision sessions
  • Group supervision, when feasible
  • Feedback and guidance on counseling techniques
  • Review of case notes and other documentation and/or recorded client sessions, as feasible and appropriate
  • Phone or email consultation for emergency or time sensitive situations or events
  • Mentoring for professional development, including starting and maintaining a private practice or working in an agency

Steps to Becoming a LPC Applicant (for LPC Supervision) in the Commonwealth of Virginia :

  • Sixty graduate hours completed in counseling or psychology
  • An interview with the potential LPC Supervisor and a completed contract, setting out the terms of the LPC Supervision
  • Documentation is prepared and sent to the Virginia Board of Counselors.
  • Permission has been granted to the supervisee from the Virginia Board of Counselors to proceed with the collection of LPC Supervision hours
  • Provision of proof of liability insurance to Wyndhurst Counseling Center
  • Provision of a signed LPC Supervision Agreement Form to Wyndhurst Counseling Center (provided by Wyndhurst Counseling Center)
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