Substance Abuse Counseling in Charlottesville, Va

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Understanding Substance Abuse Addiction at Wyndhurst Counseling & Wellness

At Wyndhurst Counseling & Wellness, we prioritize understanding addiction as the first step towards recovery. Our process begins with a thorough assessment to determine the severity of the issue and identify appropriate counseling options. This evaluation involves comprehensive interviews and may utilize research-based tools such as MAST, DAST, SASSI, or ASI.

Collateral interviews and drug screening may also be used to enhance the assessment process. Providing a copy of the criminal defense history for assessments related to legal proceedings expedites the process during counseling appointments.

Following the review, our experienced counselor in substance abuse will explain the findings and recommendations for counseling based on the results and interviews. Clients are provided with treatment referrals tailored to their individual needs, ensuring a personalized approach to their journey towards recovery.

Call today to setup your interview at 434-237-2655 with Licensed Counselor.

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Finding Freedom from Addiction

Breaking free from addiction can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Whether you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, Wyndhurst Counseling & Wellness in Charlottesville is here to help. With the right support, recovery is possible, even in a virtual session. Let one of our experienced counselors walk with you on the path to healing and lasting change.

Looking for more resources? Visit our YouTube channel for expert guidance, practical strategies, and encouragement on your journey to sobriety.

Learn About Our Services
A Message from Chuck Rodgers
Licensed Professional Counselor, LMFT

Individual Counseling for Substance Use

Following the initial assessment, individual counseling for substance abuse may be advised for anyone experiencing negative consequences due to substance use. These sessions prioritize the patient’s progress in education, compliance, 12-step work, and identifying areas for improvement to foster long-term sobriety. These personalized counseling sessions are scheduled weekly to address each individual’s unique addiction counseling requirements.

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Comprehensive Counseling in Charlottesville, VA for Adolescents and Adults

At Wyndhurst Counseling & Wellness, we recognize that addiction affects individuals of all ages. We offer counseling services for Charlottesville tailored for adolescents, adults, and their families. Counseling is an ongoing journey that empowers our clients to embrace and maintain a drug-free lifestyle, benefiting not only themselves but also their loved ones. Substance abuse counseling assists in navigating the complex emotions and uncertainties that accompany the recovery process, fostering a deeper understanding of personal achievements.

Individual counseling, and potentially family counseling, play integral roles in achieving long-term recovery. Our dedicated team at Wyndhurst Counseling & Wellness is committed to supporting you every step towards success.

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If you or a loved one is grappling with addiction to alcohol or drugs, assistance is available. At our Virtual Charlottesville Counseling Center, we believe in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to overcome these challenges. It’s not just about willpower; it’s about acquiring the tools and techniques to move forward. Stop struggling and embark on your journey towards recovery today.

Building Insight: Substance Abuse Counseling

Charlottesville substance abuse counselors play a pivotal role in helping clients develop a deeper understanding of their addiction during individual counseling sessions. These sessions are critical to achieving long-term recovery. While outpatient rehab focuses on detoxifying the body from drugs and alcohol, counseling goes beyond physical health. It delves into the underlying reasons why substances wield such a powerful hold over one’s life and empowers individuals to make meaningful changes to break free from the cycle of addiction. Substance Abuse Counseling is a crucial step towards lasting recovery.

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Mandated Substance Abuse Assessments

In certain situations, clients may be required to undergo a formal “Substance Abuse Assessment” accompanied by a written evaluation or letter for legal or employment purposes. If you find yourself in this scenario, please refer to our RATES page for information on associated costs for this type of assessment.

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Note: Our In-person Counseling is exclusively available in our Lynchburg, VA, facility. Telehealth Counseling (Virtual/Online) is available virtually and can be accessed from any location.