Rick Ouimet
Pastoral Counselor & Life Coach
Available Hours:
Thu: 12:00pm – 8:00pm
Fri: 12:00pm – 8:00pm
Sat: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Office: 434-237-2655
Rick is a licensed & ordained minister, which means he has the authority to perform weddings, funerals, and all the rites associated with being a clergyman.
Rick has over 40 years experience as a pastor counseling individuals and couples experiencing relational, marital, spiritual, and emotional problems. He believes all truth comes from God, but that ancient truth needs to be explained in contemporary and practical terms so people in our day and age can benefit from it in their everyday lives.
Rick believes the greatest deterrent to a peaceful and joyful life is the sin of selfishness, i.e., pride. He also believes that most problems people face can be resolved with a teachable spirit and learning to walk in humility, even when they’ve been wronged or hurt.
As a Pastoral Counselor, Rick helps clients discover their God-given purpose. We all have a tendency to lose our way and wander in the wilderness whenever we get our priorities out of whack – Christians and non-Christians alike.
Through a series of in-depth questions, Rick helps the client life-map their past and present journey on a large white board so they can clearly see how they ended up where they are today. We won’t fully know where we’re going until we know where we’re coming from. Are you tired of being tired yet?
Remember: God never wastes pain, whether we did it to ourselves, or someone did it to us. Begin the journey of healing today, and learn how to make sense of your inner pain.
As a Life Coach, Rick focuses on moving from where you are to where you want to go. Coaching is focused on the present and future. Through Rick’s Coaching, he helps you to identify goals, leverage personal strengths and take action.
When not people-helping Rick can be found in a local coffee shop reading, or on the golf course pretending to know what he’s doing.
Areas of Expertise:
Life Coaching/Mapping
Leadership Training Track
LGBTQ Family Related Issues
Pastoral Counselor & Life Coach
40 Years of Pastoral Experience