Experienced Counseling in Lynchburg, VA
Couples talking after a session with Chuck Rodgers at Wyndhurst Counseling CenterTired of trying to overcome stress on your own? Lynchburg Counseling of Wyndhurst may be for you. Chronic stress can be very debilitating both physically (e.g., headaches, high blood pressure, a weaker immune system) and emotionally (distractedness, low self-esteem, and depression). Lynchburg Counseling can help.

Lynchburg Counseling: These effects can interfere with your ability to find fulfillment in work, fulfillment in family life, and fulfillment in relationships. We find that people often enter counseling because their ongoing exposure to stress has resulted in their feeling powerless. Lynchburg Counseling of Wyndhurst help you get the power back or helps you to find power that you never had.

Lynchburg Counseling: We help you discover insights and new choices. These new choices, in and of themselves, may be scarey too. We provide the ongoing support you need as you see these changes through. Lynchburg Counseling of Wyndhurst is not interested in short term change. We’re interested in lifestyle changes that stick. It’s not will-power. It’s skill-power. Your new life is just around the corner. Lynchburg Counseling is there.

Lynchburg Counseling: Being stressed and overwhelmed is all too familiar. Whether your problems are related to work, finances, relationships, home life, or physical challenges (e.g., fatigue, lack of drive, weight struggles, medical issues), counseling can provide a place to work through current and past struggles. Lynchburg Counseling of Wyndhurst offers counseling that offers support and offers a gentle nudge when necessary in order to help you move forward. Lynchburg Counseling is available now.

Lynchburg Counseling: We have extensive experience in assisting clients with depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse and dependence, panic attacks, low self-esteem/poor self-image, grief, emotional and relational distance within the family, and issues surrounding chronic medical illnesses. Lynchburg Counseling can quickly help.